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Out of the Blue

Got a clutch weapon upgrade? A random kill? Or experienced a crazy bug? Share your most out of the blue crazy Moments by tagging us with #SteelSeries #forglory. The winning clip will receive an Aerox ٣ Wireless mouse.

Download Moments

Out of the Blue Winner

Congratulations to JonathanGO_ for winning Out of the Blue with a crazy flying mid-air 1 tap!

Download Moments software

How to participate

Download Moments to start capturing and sharing your gameplay with us. Share your clip on Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube and tag us #SteelSeries #ForGlory. Or use Facebook and tag @steelseries #forglory

Upload to socials

How to win

Anyone who submits a clip can win, upload as much as you want. Winner will be selected and contacted in a random draw on December 1st.

What you win

What you can win

One (1) winner will receive one (1) Aerox ٣ Wireless gaming mouse to help bring you continuous dubs'.


SteelSeries Moments clip gallery user interface
نسخة تجريبية


إن أبسط طريقة لتسجيل ومشاركة لحظات الألعاب المفضلة لديك هي استخدام Moments .


لتسجيل الأحداث فور حدوثها ، استخدم مفتاح الاختصار المخصص.

تنسيق المقاطع

يمكن تعديل اللحظات "Moments" أو اقتصاصها على النظام الأساسي باستخدام معرض سهل.


قم بإنشاء روابط مشاركة إلى أي مكان أو رفعها مباشرة على مواقع التواصل المحددة.